Wednesday, June 1, 2011

gothic desktop wallpaper

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  • Pgohlke
    Feb 12, 06:17 PM
    Work for Gimp. And if they do, at what extent. I know it can't replace it guys, but I'm not too big on graphic design and wanted to delve a little in it first.

    not really. Some of the tools are similar, but for the most part the menus and tools are completely different.

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  • inkswamp
    Apr 1, 08:29 PM
    I don't think that barmann was making a case against a new technology that didn't fit the old ways like when mice were first introduced.

    Sounded like it to me. May not have been the gist, but unwittingly, he was making that argument.

    His point was that as much as iPad fanboys want it to be the coolist thing ever that will replace all those old-fashioned computers there are differences in machines between consumer ones and those used by professionals.

    This is the exact argument made against the mouse and GUI. Exact. Mouse and GUI-based machines were scoffed at by geeks back in the 80s as "toys." That's the same rhetoric I'm hearing now about the iPad and touch-based devices. "It won't do for real work done by professionals." "It's fun but I can't get things done on it." That may be true for some lines of work at this stage, but it's going to change fast so declaring it useless or a plaything at this stage is shortsighted.

    And BTW, nobody is saying the iPad will replace computers. Just like the mouse and GUI, this approach is going to continue evolving until ways are found for it to enhance computers and become an essential part of it. But it's insane for people to write off touch-based tablets as fanboy cheerleading

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  • jrko
    Apr 11, 10:24 AM
    You didn't search deep enough ;)

    Hehe - yeah you got me :D

    Just purchased a 9700 pre flashed for Mac for about �4 more than a standard PC card. Was too good to pass up. That and 666Sheep's point that it runs cooler.

    Ram has not arrived yet but it is coming from Canada so I'll not complain too much.

    Just cant find 10.5 for less that �90 odd (US$160) :mad: :( :eek:

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  • cambookpro
    Dec 27, 04:54 AM�15-it1.jpg$product$


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  • corywoolf
    Nov 1, 12:05 AM
    do you work in an Apple store?

    No comment. :D

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  • toddybody
    Mar 31, 10:19 AM all Apple needs to do is provide higher trace capabilities on their touch panels...then we can have some awesome styluses.


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  • applemike
    Feb 2, 10:48 AM
    My windows Desktop

    Not sure if this is allowed in here :rolleyes:

    On a rotation of images from Interfacelift, changes every day. Ask and Ill link you to the exact wallpaper.

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  • revolutionx
    Jan 11, 02:24 PM
    is he j3rk1ng off that little boys pictures?


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  • Now check your desktop.

  • mw360
    Apr 29, 04:59 AM
    Patents like this are so annoying,069,055.PN.&OS=PN/7,069,055&RS=PN/7,069,055

    So basically Samsung has patented: A clock with multiple time zones in a mobile phone.

    How on Earth is a patent like that supposed to promote innovation?
    (the original reason we got the patent system back some centuries ago)

    Also, this one just makes me want to tear my hair out,009,626.PN.&OS=PN/7,009,626&RS=PN/7,009,626

    Apple will surely manage this, but what about the independent developer with no huge pile of cash to throw at some lawyers? THAT is the problem here.. :(

    Are there any cases of giant companies suing indies for patent infringement? I realise it often happens the other way around, but I can't recall a case where some poor indie is muscled out of business via a patent. It just doesn't seem worth it.

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  • wickedG35
    Jan 18, 01:26 PM
    Hey Guys,

    Looking for an iPhone with firmware 1.1.2 on it. Anyone have one for sale?



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  • Thanatoast
    Nov 20, 02:11 PM
    I'd prefer a flip phone, but I don't think Apple could squeeze all the needed hardware into the design. Either that, or we'd have people start thread about how the fan noise drowns out the call and the phone burns their ear :p

    If it's gonna be iChat mobile, then they're gonna have to do AV. That'll be their added value. you can get a music-playing phone from anywhere. But a mobile video phone? You have to go to Japan. And if people can just carry over their iChat/AIM accounts, it makes it that much easier.

    I know they've got mobile wifi phones now, do they also have combo phones? Thought I saw one once... Anyway, if it's a normal cell untill you move into range of an open network and then automatically connects to iChat, heck, why not?

    I'm still looking for the smartphone angle more than any other, though.

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  • Weaselboy
    May 5, 07:40 AM
    I have a 2010 27" and other than a slight rumble sound when there is HDD activity, it is completely silent.


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  • twoodcc
    Sep 30, 11:02 AM
    good news.*

    the more support for apple, the better

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  • nunes013
    Apr 7, 09:25 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    how about the bug where you download or update an app and it gets stuck at installing at the end and you have to restart the device


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  • hulugu
    Mar 17, 03:28 PM

    Note that this is most likely from where the representative from Florida got her information and was paraphrasing, albeit with poor word choice....

    I guess the Times was stuck between blaming the victim and having another Jena 6 story on their hands.

    A poor word choice is not to go from this: They said she dressed older than her age, wearing makeup and fashions more appropriate to a woman in her 20s. She would hang out with teenage boys at a playground, some said...

    to this:

    ...There was an article about an 11 year old girl who was gangraped in Texas by 18 young men because she was dressed like a 21-year-old prostitute....And her parents let her attend school like that. And I think it�s incumbent upon us to create some areas where students can be safe in school and show up in proper attire so what happened in Texas doesn�t happen to our students.

    The Times described a situation; Rep. Passidomo used that horrible situation to justify her stance on school uniforms by making the pernicious inference that wardrobe choices could lead to rape.

    Similar thinking in Afghanistan and Iran leads women to wear burkhas, lest men become so incensed at the shape of an ankle or nape that they cannot help themselves. These cultures hold women, and not the rat bastards who commit the act, responsible. And Passidomo is using the exact same logic.

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  • Gelfin
    Mar 2, 01:51 PM
    I propose we panic.

    Ladies and gentlemen, our course is now clear, grim and arduous though it may be. For the sake of our children and our children's children, we must immediately kill all chart-makers.


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  • MacDawg
    Feb 13, 07:32 AM
    My sincere congrats to all of the new Mods

    I for one have enjoyed and profited from all of your posts in the past, and look forward to your greater involvement in the Forum. I think each of you will grow in your influence and impact on the site. Each of you has your own strengths in what you offer to the site. My observations are that E is often first on the scene and the quickest to respond, which should help to keep the board clear of unwanted junk. Nermal is always very informative and helpful. I have learned a lot from his posts. bousozoku is very conscientious about the board and its posters. He looks out for all of us and helps to make the site user friendly and a place that we can all feel welcome. WinterMute seems to offer a combination of all of the above, and will compliment the rest of the cast. Others may see things differently, but that has been my personal experience with them. The believe the mods have shown wisdom and foresight in their choices.

    For those that are worried about E, I for one feel like the trust placed in him is warranted at this time. While he has a playful side that is sometimes seen as overbearing, his energy and passion for the site is clearly evident. I believe his new position will temper that somewhat, and we will see his zeal and energy directed for the good of the site. If not, I have faith that Arn, Doctor Q and Mr. Anderson will know how to handle anything that arises. But I have every confidence that their trust in E will prove to vindicate their wisdom. For any who would "bait" E now, I think the greater evil is yours.

    I'm sure that there are others that were considered, and had much to offer, but for whatever reason (time on the board, "too nice" or whatever) the mods have made their selections. I hope nobody is personally disappointed in not being included. After all, the point of the board is to contribute to the community and enjoy the fellowship. I rarely get to poke my nose in here anymore, and I have to tell you, I miss it greatly.

    On a side note, I for one have always enjoyed your 'tars Sun Baked, and don't really understand the criticism of them. Perhaps I've missed some along the way (and yes, I did see the 'milk' tar and thought it was clever). I also enjoy your witty responses. You can usually say in one line what it would have taken me a paragraph... and you say it better.

    Anyway, congrats to all, and I hope you take good care of the board. Hopefully one day I'll get to spend more time here again.

    Woof, Woof - Dawg

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  • katie ta achoo
    Sep 26, 12:08 PM
    Again it seems society differs between the US and many other places. I could legally drink in restaurants with my parents and I think it's legal to drink from 16years when you're having a meal with at least one person over 18years at the discretion of the restaurant although most won't serve to protect their own license.

    In the US, we seem to be really uptight about stuff.

    Our sex-ed is highly abstinence-based, IF YOU HAVE IT. (I'm a senior, and I've only had the talk in fifth grade "your body is changing" That was the closest thing I ever got to sex ed.. and it wasn't really. YEEHAW TEXAS!!)

    it's just... weird. <snarky>I blame canada. ;)</snarky>

    When I was in washington state, my dad went into a bar to grab a smoke and a drink (OK, it sounds like abandonment, but it wasn't :rolleyes: I just live with his vices.. *sigh*) they wouldn't even LET ME IN. I told the woman several times "I don't want to drink or smoke, and I probably won't once I hit the age at which I legally can"

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  • edesignuk
    Feb 14, 01:46 PM
    I wonder which new moderator is going to clean up the mess mymemmory just made in here...

    A post likely to turn this into another mymemmory bashing thread -- and it's not even a thread about women or body parts. :(
    That's probably true, but I can hardly delete it, then he'd report me for silencing my own critics :eek: :p

    Dec 11, 08:28 PM
    what started out as a school project evolved into christmas cards and this desktop... you can find the wallpaper here (

    Oct 19, 12:37 AM
    I like it. loose the comma, perhaps?:)

    Apr 28, 02:15 AM
    HELP !

    i had jailbreak on my 4.3.1 ios, but needed to remove it before going into apple to see the genius bar..

    but i updated and restores on itunes and now i cant kick of recovery, i have gone to tiny umbrella and tried kick out and also unchecked the box saying set hosts to cydia on exit?

    please help quickly my appointment is soon :(

    Nov 30, 10:28 AM
    My point exactly - something like Napster probably had more than a little to do with this fact...

    Not really, Tower Records wasn't working because they didn't move online with their catalogue quickly enough. The commercial real estate is getting way overpriced.

    Else why is Virgin Megastore and HMV still around?

    Apr 25, 08:29 AM
    Why do some posters put down peoples choices or even the fact that it exists in white?

    So, if you don't like a white iphone, buy black. It's all good:-)

    I like black, but my daughter likes white. When I asked why, she said it goes well with her white ipad and white MacBook, when they are all on her desk.

    Sounds like as good a reason as any.

    She has a 3GS off contract that is totally on it's last legs (broken glass replaced with plastic, battery empty mid-day), so her only decision is to wait out the next iphone or not.
    Unfortunately she has never been able to wait for anything(despite me mentioning not to buy 1st gen Apple products), so she'll probably buy the ip4 in white.

    I bet there are many people out there in the same situation.

    "Sick" in that context means "good" I think...he likes the White too...

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