Wednesday, June 1, 2011

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  • jrko
    Mar 31, 08:53 AM
    mmm - Geekbench score 732. woohoo

    temp is sitting at around 46-47 degrees C or 117 degrees F at idle. A bit better than before the MX-2 paste.

    Lets see what 2Gb of ram does

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  • dwd3885
    Nov 19, 12:43 PM
    For us, who cares? If you want an iPad you might be able to get one on the cheap. Apple needs a good screwing anyway!

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  • psychometry
    Oct 5, 06:12 PM
    On the contrary, resizeable textareas are part of the CSS3 standard; Safari 3.0 will simply be the first mainstream browser to implement it. Once you try it, I promise you will not want to go back. It's really a non-issue, and I'm surprised anybody's complaining about it to the point they would disable this end-user feature using JavaScript. I'll just disable JavaScript on your site, then, buddy.

    The CSS3 resizer property is fine and good because you can set resizer:none to a form element if you want to. As a side note, resizer applies to all elements, including html, meaning a site could prevent you from resizing the browser window. That has the potential to be very annoying if abused, as I'm sure it will be. Right now, I don't think any of the main 5 or 6 browsers support this propery for any element.

    What worries me is if Safari is implementing this feature using built-in DOM functions instead of just supporting the CSS3 property. This is a possibility to me. They've got quite a ways to go in terms of the standard right now.

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  • killemall4130
    Dec 16, 10:07 PM
    system preferences crashes when i hit sound, and also when i hit mouse a keyboard pref... this is a real problem for me, (problem opening sound preferences).
    ive been huntin for over a week now a cant seen to find a solution???
    i also a sent a report to apple. i would be very greatful if any1 could shed som light!!!!! please


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  • hmilas
    Dec 12, 09:39 PM
    Ad plays silently but when moused over the audio blasts out at a loud level, well the volume did happen to be set at 11... highly obtrusive.
    Ad URL is:

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  • MacMan86
    Apr 27, 05:21 PM
    I think that is more proof of the fact that it was never a bug. Apple was doing it that way on purpose and the only reason they are claiming it was a "bug" is because they got caught big time.

    The lie is the fact that it is a bug. It was done on propose and right now Apple is just doing CYA.

    Given that the database is a local cache of some information that already exists on Apple's servers, what do Apple have to gain by designing it this way on purpose? Nothing.

    The data in the file is not generated by the phone, it is retrieved from Apple and stored.


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  • Krayzie116
    Apr 5, 08:23 AM
    Nobody really answered my question. I hate to repost it again just trying to find an answer. I tried to call the at&t rep and they don't know what going on.

    I had iPhone 3GS 32GB had it about almost a year. They let me do an early upgrade for the new iPhone 4 in June when it came out for the price of $299 with a two year agreement.

    The question I have is let just say the new iPhone 5 comes out with the same price point let say June release like last year. By this new $50 thing does that mean I pay for $549 price point or can I just pay the $299 plus the two year agreement like I did last year?

    Thanks guys

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  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 29, 03:13 PM
    Meanwhile in the world of tablets, RIMM is having problems:

    Earlier this week it was a breakout of sudden playbook death syndrome.

    Users report BlackBerry PlayBooks failing to restart (
    APRIL 25, 2011

    "Some BlackBerry PlayBook tablets that Research in Motion released last Tuesday are suddenly failing to restart. Some even simply stop working while in use and do not restart. experienced this issue with its own review unit after three days of use, and moe than a dozen users have reported the identical problem on RIM's support site.

    The initial reports began on the evening of April 20, one day after the PlayBook was released, though most users reported the problem after a few days of activity. For units experiencing this "sudden death syndrome," the PlayBook's indicator light double-blinks when turned on but the screen remains black."

    Now the company can't deliver its phones and the CEO is having a hard time with questions about security:

    BlackBerry maker starts to feel serious squeeze (
    FRIDAY, 29 APRIL 2011

    "Research In Motion is starting to feel a serious squeeze. The BlackBerry maker is hemorrhaging market share and just warned product delays are hurting sales. The pressure is showing: its co-CEO recently stormed off a TV interview when asked about security issues. RIMM needs to compose itself if a new tablet and operating system are to keep the firm relevant.

    Cutting estimates just weeks after issuing them hardly inspires confidence. The company warned hold-ups bringing out new handsets scared off customers. Those still buying RIM devices in the United States and Latin America are choosing cheaper, lower-end ones. As a result, earnings per share will actually shrink slightly, despite the booming market for smartphones."


    Poor RIMM. I think the end is near.


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  • wongulous
    Sep 24, 04:46 PM
    I think at your age it is your parent's responsibility to provide for you. That isn't arguable. What is arguable is how they will provide moral/ethical/behavioral guidance to you--and I don't think that trying to stop you from doing something that (a) you're already doing, (b) you're going to do as soon as you can, (c) you're going to do anyway, and (d) that can be done safely. You are your own person and can make your own actions, choices, and (perhaps) mistakes. I think any parent that at your age of 18 tries to tell you where you can or cannot go, at whose house you can or cannot sleep over, or what girl you can or cannot like/love/date/****, is overparenting.

    Cut the umbilical cord and start making your own choices--your parents need to cope with your adulthood.

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  • brn2ski00
    Apr 1, 08:53 AM
    Actually unlocking takes about 2 minutes... so the markup is even higher. :D


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  • Cougarcat
    Mar 25, 11:34 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8F190)

    I'm just wondering when they're going to unveil it! If I'm not mistaken, March/April is usually the announcement period, with a launch in June-July.

    They haven't announced anything yet, which either means that they're working on something HUGE, or it's behind schedule

    I've been thinking about that: remember when there were rumors of OS X delays because the Mac team was pulled onto the iOS team in order to get 3.0 out? I'm wondering if the opposite is happening now - the iOS team has been pulled onto the Lion team in order to get Lion ready for a summer launch. This could be the reason we're not hearing much about iOS 5.

    Patience. We didn't hear much if anything about iOS 4 this time last year. It was announced in April.

    Anyways, if they add turn-by-turn, bike routes, and remove the awful need for "calibration" (I expect this needs an improvement in the GPS hardware?) I'll be thrilled.

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  • Al Coholic
    Mar 31, 04:17 PM
    Pros are already using them...

    They're idiots. Caught up in the "coolness" hype. Nothing more. And I don't consider weekend wedding photogs to be pros. I guarantee that any full time pro who needs to put food on the table does not depend on, much less condone the iPad to earn his/her keep.

    Yeah, right. Like I'm going to be processing 30MB RAW files on a freaking 64gb Web browser.


    But surely there are at least some professionals (let's say 20% of those who belong to the elite group quoted above) that have at least some uses for a portable photo manipulation device

    That seems reasonable to me. Photoshop is so huge and widespread that 1% of its use is a big number, big enough to encourage Adobe to develop an iPad app.

    No. Proofing and this so called "manipulation" belongs in a lab where meticulous care can be devoted to delivering perfectly color balanced prints�. Not a silly-assed iPad out in the field. And if said lab is out of reach then bring the lab with you in the form of something with more computing muscle�.

    in other words� get the right tool for the job at hand and the iPad ain't it.

    The iPad does nothing for me "in the field" that can't be achieved with a $99 portable DVD player used to show clients an enlarged preview. And photo journalists aren't allowed to use photoshop anyway.


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  • neut
    Feb 15, 12:04 PM
    I haven't seen any ruffled feathers yet, except maybe on the free merchandise spammers.

    maybe those guys should start making banner ads if they want to get onto MacRumors with their free crap.

    peace | neut

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  • Flying Llama
    Aug 21, 08:12 PM
    I appreciate it! Thank you both! :)


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  • Happybunny
    Feb 3, 02:37 AM
    For February I've gone with this little bundle of perfection.

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  • Will Cheyney
    Dec 19, 04:49 PM
    Another Steve 'tar!


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  • kjs862
    Jan 14, 12:53 PM

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  • Josias
    Nov 20, 01:24 PM
    Wow, that is one nasty Danish mockup. I hope it won't look like that.:eek:

    Here's actually a nice touchscreen iPhone mockup:

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  • rhodest
    Dec 10, 08:27 PM
    I have 2 keyboards (1 microsoft wireless, 1 apple), 1 kensington mouse, and a 2 standard keyboard plugins. I am also looking for a pc headset.

    Apr 29, 06:54 AM
    Yawn, yawn, yawn!

    Did I mention YAWN?

    Move on Apple and Samsung.

    Nothing will come of it and you both know it.

    End result:

    Settle with no admission of guilt by either party.

    Lots of lawyers bills (Does provide work for some people)

    Back to business as usual.

    PS: When will Samsung's white iphone come out?

    Apr 30, 10:42 PM

    Aug 11, 01:35 PM
    Mine for the month :)

    I like it. The only thing I don't love is the Weather widget. However I do like the weather there. Try this widget I just modified.

    Download it here:

    Feb 9, 02:55 PM
    What is this place?

    I believe this is taken from somewhere near the Avenue of Stars in Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong (looking across Victoria Harbor).

    Dec 16, 02:03 AM
    Looking forward to seeing Tron Legacy :D:D

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